If you want to return items that you have ordered from, you always have the full right of return within 30 days from the date you received the item. You pay the return shipping and the item must be returned in undamaged, unmarked and unopened original packaging for the right of return to be valid. Send a mail to and notify us of the order number, which items you want to return, and the sum paid including VAT. We will reimburse the sum paid incl. VAT and postage (but not the return postage) within 30 days of us receiving the items returned.

Under the Distance Contracts Act, you as a customer have 14 days to cancel. The cancellation period starts from the day you received the item. In order to invoke the right of withdrawal, the product must be unbroken in the original packaging. Refund of the price of the goods is deducted for Bagliora's costs on delivery. The customer is responsible for the return shipping.

In order for Bagliora to best handle an item that you consider incorrect and for you to be able to maintain your rights under law, you must notify us of the complaint within a reasonable time after you discovered the error or after you discovered the error. If an item is incorrect or incorrectly shipped, Bagliora pays return shipping.

If you would like to return an item, please contact Bagliora Customer Service at and provide your full name, order number and the goods to be returned. Pack the item(s) in such a way that they cannot be damaged during shipment and send the package to our warehouse.

The address is: Bagliora AB / E-Logistik, Fabriksgatan 3, 533 33 Götene, Sweden.

In the event of an approved complaint / cancellation of a purchase due to the right of withdrawal, we will refund the sum for your order within 14 days from the day we receive the goods in return to the card with which you made the payment.

Refunds are made through Klarna and can take up to 14 days.


For packages that are not collected, you will be charged the cost of return freight as well as a packing and handling fee of SEK 195. Uncollected packages are not covered by the right of withdrawal and the right of return in accordance with the Swedish Digital Commerce association industry regulations.


Free shipping over SEK 800 within Sweden


DHL, PostNord, Budbee home delivery


With Klarna and Apple pay


Contact us at and we will reply as soon as we have the opportunity.