Health inspirer, PT, Life coach and cozy jogger with a crazy glow! We are proud to present Ida B Olsson as the new ambassador for Bagliora. Let yourself be inspired by this life artist with your heart in the right place.

Ida, you are our new Bagliora Ambassador. What is important to you when choosing skin care?

That there are good ingredients that work actively in the skin without irritating and that it is not just a filler. Then it is a great advantage that Bagliora chooses to invest in vegan and so pure skin care without relying on active ingredients. It's unique!

You are basically a skin care therapist, which products are most important in your routine?

Without a clean skin, no product goes in as well. So absolute cleaning. Then a cream that protects and moisturizes. I would say that is the basis. Then I honestly could not do without any of Bagliora's products. But if you want to start somewhere, it's there.

Which Bagliora product is your favorite?

Definitely Glow Nutrients Face Oil. I can kind of think about it sometimes and long until the next time I get to apply it on the skin. I also love the cleaning. It works as well as just double cleaning, which I think is a must to invest in a good one. The first wash gently removes all makeup and the second wash cleanses the skin without drying it out. Perfect freshness, scent and hydration! 

What is your best skin care tip for instant glow?

Taking a few deep slow breaths. Oxygenate the skin! Stress and free radicals restrict the supply of microcirculation and the skin becomes dull. Then a well-cleansed skin followed by facial oil.

What is your best skin care tip for healthy and healthy skin in the long run? 

To sleep 7-9 hours every night, to drink living water (water with some fruit, berries, vegetables in), to be out in the fresh air, to exercise, (no matter what), only it is something that makes you load the body a few days a week, invest in good skin care, to stress less and maybe rest a little more with some relaxation where the breath is present, to be careful with the sun's rays, to hang out with people who give you energy and love, to eat and drink good from time to time and enjoy it, do not have a ban, play more and dare to live life to the fullest!

Which do you consider to be the most overrated beauty product or beauty tip?

I would say primer! Can not understand what it should be good for… Most think it settles as a film above my fine skin care and as a layer under my makeup.

Then also this with drinking a lot. We need 1.5 dl / h when we are normally active. If we sweat, we need a little more. But not excessively.

I have also heard that it should work just as well with soap and water as a good cleaning. It's as true as you could ignore washing your sink with detergent and just letting it run water there. Our skin has pores that absorb what we put on it and soap impairs the skin's pH value, does not cleanse the skin and dries out our outer protective layer.

You inspire every day. Can you give us a tip to increase your well-being in everyday life?

To listen to your heart! Not to live by norms and ideas about how it should be but feel for what makes you happy! Life happens now. Not late. The only thing I know is that one day we will die. It is almost our duty to actually take care of it. Do not waste it.

To be outdoors for a little while every day. To think about your breath several times a day. We think more often about food than the breath even though we would survive much longer without food than without breathing…

Eating food from farm to fork for the most part but also enjoying the goodies that make the soul bounce a little.

To hang out with the people who are your most important, but above all to hang out and give love to the most important - yourself!

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